Cardio Excercise at home


Here is a video I saved in my cellphone.  This is a very useful cardio activities we can do at home. In this video you will find a sort of easy activities you can do in order to work your cardio, you do not need to go to the gym, you can do it at home, in the park, or wherevere you feel is the right place to take care of yourself.



You have to addapt the excercises to your level, and habilities, in this case I am talking about cardio for begginers. 


This will only take you 15 minutes (every activity will take approximately 30 seconds), this is the time you need to activate your day, or to rest as a baby at night. and another great thing, the only material you need, is you... no other implements.


Yes, I know, sometimes when there are no implements to help you, the excercise is more difficult, but who said easy workout routines makes you look great?


I will not repeat every word of the video, just that you are going to find kicks, crunches, jogging and many other activities which are really useful to you 


Watch the video and start!!



작성자 Pamela Cubas

신고글 Cardio Excercise at home

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