When my sons hit 8th grade we started doing track workouts to up their speed for high school sports. That was 2000 now theses past few summers we have gotten together again. While me and my sons do sprint work , the rest of the family has shown up to walk. It's a nice way for us all to see each other for an hr , catch up and stay healthy. The Lil 1s will sometimes ride their bikes every now and then 1 will race us or they will walk with the other adults. Whatever they do they are growing up seeing active adult role models. My daughter will be getting induced for labor tonight and still showed up.
작성자 Mauricio T Temiquel
신고글 Consistent Exercise in Neighborhood
사유 선택
- 욕설/비하 발언
- 음란성
- 홍보성 콘텐츠 및 도배글
- 개인정보 노출
- 특정인 비방
- 기타
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