Squat Tips



*High Bar Squat:*

  1. *Keep your chest up*: Maintain a tall, upright posture to engage your quadriceps and keep the weight in your heels.
    2. *Squeeze your shoulder blades*: This helps to maintain a stable upper back and generates power for the lift.
    3. *Drive through your heels*: Focus on pushing through your heels to extend your legs and stand up with the weight.
    4. *Keep your knees in line*: Make sure your knees track in line with your toes, rather than extending past them.


*Low Bar Squat:*

1. *Keep your back tight*: Engage your lats and upper back muscles to maintain a stable position and generate power.
2. *Hinge your hips*: Push your hips back and down, keeping your weight in your heels, to lower into the squat.
3. *Keep your chest down*: Maintain a slightly forward-leaning posture to engage your adductors and hamstrings.
4. *Push through your entire foot*: Distribute the weight evenly through your foot, rather than just your heels.

Remember to always warm up before squatting, and start with a weight that feels comfortable to practice proper form.


Squat Tips


작성자 Oz

신고글 Squat Tips

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