✨Event✨ Join Mingle with Cashwalk event #21 and receive gifts!


⚠️ Important Notice


All your posts and comments will be automatically tracked.

There’s no need to include “Mingle” in your title when posting content for this event.


*Please note, you may miss out on prizes if you repeatedly include 'Mingle' in your title.



✨Event✨ Join Mingle with Cashwalk event #21 and receive gifts!✨Event✨ Join Mingle with Cashwalk event #21 and receive gifts!✨Event✨ Join Mingle with Cashwalk event #21 and receive gifts!✨Event✨ Join Mingle with Cashwalk event #21 and receive gifts!✨Event✨ Join Mingle with Cashwalk event #21 and receive gifts!


Just mingle with CashWalker friends and receive gifts!

Simply kill time with your new friends and get rewards! 🕹️🎉

Let’s talk about #pets #hobbies #workouts #memes #workoutplan or anything you want.💝


How to participate

1️⃣ Leave a comment "I'm in!" on this post.

2️⃣ Write at least 5 posts and 20 comments on CashWalk-Feeds by September 25th.



🌟Bonus Offer🌟 Now, you can earn up to 2,500 coins! Let’s give it a try.

  • Over 20 posts and 100 comments : 2,500 coins

  • Over 10 posts and 50 comments : 1,000 coins

  • Over 5 post and 20 comments : 500 coins

The prizes will be automatically paid on October 2nd.



1️⃣ The comments for challenges (10K Steps, Sky Gazing, and Home Workout) are 🙅‍♀️ NOT counted as the required comments for this event.

2️⃣ You must write at least ✍️ 2 sentences for description in the posts and 1 sentence for comments, not just a simple word.

3️⃣ Rest assured that your posts and comments will be automatically counted, so do not mention “Mingle”.❌

4️⃣ If participants (1) flood the community with repetitive posts and comments, causing discomfort or (2) illegally copy posts, the operator may prohibit them and not award coins.



⚠️ If you participate in any inappropriate way, such as using a VPN or creating a fake name, your prize may be restricted.

⚠️ If you post inappropriate content, you will not be able to participate in the event.

⚠️ If you have any questions, please email contact us(in-app > menu > setting> "contact us").



🔽 Leave a comment "I'm in!" to apply. 🔽


Author Cashwalk_official

Post ✨Event✨ Join Mingle with Cashwalk event #21 and receive gifts!

Report Post
  • Cursing or hateful contents
  • Sexual contents
  • Spam or repetitive posting
  • Violation of privacy policy
  • Slandering of someone in particular
  • Others

False reporting may result in
service restrictions.