

In 2023, one of the most popular Netflix series was "Lupin." The show, featuring Omar Sy as the master thief Assane Diop, is a contemporary adaptation of the classic French story about Arsène Lupin. The third season continued to captivate audiences with its blend of heist drama and character-driven storytelling. Omar Sy's performance, along with the show's suspenseful and cleverly constructed narrative, made "Lupin" a standout series on the platform.

Another series that gained significant popularity was "The Fall of the House of Usher," a horror series by Mike Flanagan. This adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s work is known for its eerie atmosphere and compelling narrative. It follows the tragic story of Roderick Usher and his family, appealing to fans of horror and suspense.

"Blue-Eyed Samurai," set in Edo-period Japan, also garnered attention with its stunning animation and action-packed storyline. It features a vengeful half-Japanese samurai on a mission, offering beautifully choreographed fight scenes and high-quality animation.

These series were among the most talked-about and watched on Netflix in 2023, each bringing a unique flavor and style to the platform.


Author Kisoo Kim

Post Lupin

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