Neurons are like tiny messengers in your brain and body that help you think, feel, and move. They have three main parts: dendrites, a cell body, and an axon. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons and pass them to the cell body, which processes the information. The axon then carries the signal away from the cell body to other neurons or muscles. Neurons communicate by sending electrical signals called action potentials down the axon, and when they reach the end, they release chemicals called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters cross tiny gaps called synapses to pass the message to the next neuron. It's like a relay race where each neuron passes the baton to the next one!
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Báo cáo How neurons work
- Lời nhận xét tục tĩu/chê bai
- sự tục tĩu
- Nội dung quảng cáo và bài viết hình nền
- Tiếp xúc thông tin cá nhân
- Vu khống một người cụ thể
- vân vân
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