Yoga Equipment

I just started doing yoga not too long ago and I'm in love! Because I just started, I only have a simple yoga mat along with some gloves and socks. While I wish I wouldve gotten a bigger, thicker mat, I'm happy with how it's doing so far! The gloves and socks are nice in helping me from slipping. I just pair all of this with a yoga video and get to work 💪 can't wait to purchase more equipment!


Home gym equipment review


Yoga Equipment

Báo cáo

nhà văn Victoria C

Báo cáo Yoga Equipment

Chọn lý do
  • Lời nhận xét tục tĩu/chê bai
  • sự tục tĩu
  • Nội dung quảng cáo và bài viết hình nền
  • Tiếp xúc thông tin cá nhân
  • Vu khống một người cụ thể
  • vân vân

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