“Mango Vegan Ice Cream Review🍦😋”


“Mango Vegan Ice Cream 


“Mango Vegan Ice Cream Review🍦😋”

Brand: Yum Sweet Shop

Price: $6.82 CAD

Est Calories: 200cal to 240 cal


“Mango Vegan Ice Cream Review🍦😋”


     I have to be honest, this is the very first vegan ice cream I’ve ever tried and I have to say, it didn’t disappoint. That I was expecting it would be a tad less creamy and it wasn’t that at all. The ice cream’s texture was very smooth inside my mouth and it just had the right amount of sweetness. All in all, the taste was very delectable. If there was something negative I had to say was about the size of serving, it seemed it was not big enough that left me wanting more.😍

“Mango Vegan Ice Cream Review🍦😋”

Báo cáo

nhà văn Janet Bareo

Báo cáo “Mango Vegan Ice Cream Review🍦😋”

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