Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (spoilers)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (spoilers)

The movie was very well written and had many funny moments but also heart touching. The visuals were just breathtaking and the story was very well written. The ending of the guardians was unexpected but felt right. Seeing what each character went through throughout the triolgry and how much they've grown was touching and seeing them go their seperate ways starting new chapters brought me to tears. Rockets name coming from a dream he wanted to achieve with his animal friends was sad and overall learning about his upbringing gave so much more depth to him, and him now being the current leader to the new guardians as the song that started the series play is an ending to a movie I'll never forget.  Gamora's death and how the team felt about it was very well written and how it affected each member differently just shows how much a death of a love one can affect people on different level's but in the end all you have to do is look back on the memories made with that person and focus on the people you still have with you while not letting those who you lost hold you back. The movie was an 100/10 and I will never forget it. 

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nhà văn Alex

Báo cáo Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (spoilers)

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