Need and want self improvement

Guys😭 my self-evident and confident is really low. Like i want to make lot's of friend and want to be nice to everyone so that everyone likes me, but it doesn't work really well.

I actually agree that my personality is not good. As an example, i am always jealous of others when they are getting pretty or loosing weight. I want them to be unhappy so that i think im better than them. I know that is so mean and I try to fix it, but don't work well as i try to. I don't like people who are prettier or better than me. What's wrong with me and please help me to fix this huge problem😢

Báo cáo

nhà văn Ellen

Báo cáo Need and want self improvement

Chọn lý do
  • Lời nhận xét tục tĩu/chê bai
  • sự tục tĩu
  • Nội dung quảng cáo và bài viết hình nền
  • Tiếp xúc thông tin cá nhân
  • Vu khống một người cụ thể
  • vân vân

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