A visually stunning and action-packed anime that takes place in Taisho-era Japan. Tanjiro Kamado, a kindhearted young boy, becomes a demon slayer after his family is slaughtered by demons and his younger sister Nezuko is turned into one herself. Tanjiro embarks on a quest to find a cure for Nezuko and avenge his family, encountering a cast of colorful characters and thrilling battles along the way. While the story can be predictable at times, the animation and fight choreography are truly top-notch.
Báo cáo
nhà văn Joker
Báo cáo Anime 5 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Chọn lý do
- Lời nhận xét tục tĩu/chê bai
- sự tục tĩu
- Nội dung quảng cáo và bài viết hình nền
- Tiếp xúc thông tin cá nhân
- Vu khống một người cụ thể
- vân vân
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