Good abs workout for beginner

Crunch upper rectus abdominis


 A workout that trains the upper abdominal muscles 。

it is recommended because it can be easily done at home or at the gym 。


Lie on your bsck on the floor,bend your knere to 90 degrees snd rsise your legs


While exhaling,raise your upper body the point where your hips do not go up as if you are looking at your navel.




 Raise your upper body, then slowly lower Your body while inhaling until your shoulder blades do not touch。


 Repeat the above action as many time as necessary 。


 the 90 degree angle of the Knees is the basic form so be sure to maintain it



Instead of doing it quickly work slowly while focusing on your abdominal


Strongly stimulate the upper abdominal muscle without lifting your lower back off the ground。


 |f the form collapse It is consider to be the limit

Báo cáo

nhà văn joejoe

Báo cáo Good abs workout for beginner

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  • Vu khống một người cụ thể
  • vân vân

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