Workout Tips #6 : Best Chest Exercise

Workout Tips #6 : Best Chest Exercise

When I work in the gym I like to use this picture as an example.


First and as basic it is, we must start with the standard Push-ups, it is an oldy but goody 😅 never stop doing it.

This push-ups can have differences and usually we can make small differences with different arms or legs.


Another basic is the lifting up and back.  I don't like to use much weight because I hate muscles, I just want to work the area.


Another thing I used to do, is to send the body and with some weights back and forth.


I finish my chest routine sitting using the same weights up and down, sometimes I prefer to stand  and not be sitting, it is depending on my mood!


I hope you like it and it will be useful to you too! 




Báo cáo

nhà văn Pamela Cubas

Báo cáo Workout Tips #6 : Best Chest Exercise

Chọn lý do
  • Lời nhận xét tục tĩu/chê bai
  • sự tục tĩu
  • Nội dung quảng cáo và bài viết hình nền
  • Tiếp xúc thông tin cá nhân
  • Vu khống một người cụ thể
  • vân vân

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