A tip for your chest workout: mind the muscle connection


This means focusing on actually feeling your chest muscles working throughout the exercise, not just going through the motions. Here's how to achieve this:


Slow and controlled movements: Don't just fling the weights around. Lower the weight slowly with control and then press explosively back up. This will maximize the time your chest muscles are under tension.


Squeeze at the top: When you reach the top of the movement (e.g., barbell press with weights extended), hold that position for a second and consciously squeeze your chest muscles together. This will further isolate and activate your pecs.


Mind-muscle connection visualization: As you perform the exercise, visualize your chest muscles contracting and getting stronger. This can help improve the connection between your mind and muscles.


By focusing on this mind-muscle connection, you'll ensure your chest muscles are getting the most out of each rep and set, leading to better overall development.


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Báo cáo A tip for your chest workout: mind the muscle connection

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