Home gym workout


Here are some of the benefits of resistance bands :


- *Affordable*: On average, dumbbells cost about $1.50 to $2.00 per pound of weight, and a best-selling 50 lb. set will run you $109 on Amazon. By comparison, a five-piece set of resistance bands that can be stacked to create a total resistance of 150 lbs will set you back only $30.


- *Stretching and warm-up*: If you have about as much flexibility as a wooden board, resistance bands are going to be your BFF for stretching.


- *Test muscles*: Just because resistance bands are cheaper than free weights doesn't mean they'll give you a workout so easy you barely break a sweat. In fact, one of the key resistance band benefits is their ability to strengthen your muscles by increasing the time they spend under tension.


- *Functional fitness training*: Unlike gym machines, which keep your body moving in one set plane of motion, another notable resistance bands benefit is that they can be pushed and pulled in nearly any way you want.


- *Safety*: You won't have to worry about dropping a heavy weight on your foot, but that's not the only safety benefit of resistance bands.


- *Form check*: With your resistance bands acting as your accountability buddy, there's no chance for you to slack off.


- *Muscle modification*: Frantically squirming your way to the top of a pull-up bar isn't doing your upper body any muscle-building favors.


Resistance bands are effective and versatile tools for people of all fitness levels . These stretchy bands provide a unique form of resistance training that is different from traditional weightlifting. They are also useful for building muscle strength and endurance and are excellent for improving flexibility and rehabilitation from injuries.


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