Tear Along the Dotted Line (Strappare Lungo i Bordi in Italian) is an animated comedy drama series written by the Italian cartoonist Zerocalcare. The artist is famous for putting together ironic jokes and bittersweet moments to tell stories of lived life in which everyone or almost everyone can see themselves. The series chronicles a generational unease, his (and my) generation, which at the same time spans several generations, an unease that we have probably all felt and feel. Zerocalcare has the ability to make you laugh and make you cry in 5 minutes, to make you think, to make you feel worse and make you feel better, this series is a real roller coaster of emotions.
作家 Dastoria
報告 Una chicca tutta italiana: Strappare Lungo i Bordi
- 髒話/貶低性言論
- 淫穢
- 促銷內容和桌布貼文
- 個人資訊暴露
- 誹謗特定人